I am currently a fourth-year Ph.D. candidate in Computer Science at the Australian Artificial Intelligence Institute (AAII), within the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology (FEIT) at the University of Technology Sydney (UTS), Australia. I am fortunate to be co-advised by Pro.f Shiping Wen and Dr. Feng Liu. Prior to my doctoral studies at UTS, I completed my M.S. degree at Tiangong University (Tianjin, China) under the supervision of Prof. Jinliang Wang and my B.S. degree at Hebei University of Architecture (Zhangjiakou, Hebei, China).
My research interest includes control theory and machine learning. The major topic of my research is safe control, Gaussian processes, and adaptive control. My work focues on safe control and learning for dynamical systems, including safe control design, system modeling, and the applications in vehicle platooning system and robotics. Currently, I am focusing on control barrier function method and Gaussian processes. Throughout my academic career, I have published more than 16 SCI papers at IEEE Transactions such as TCYB, TNSE, and TNNLs.
๐ฅ Recent News
- 2025.01: ย ๐ Our paper is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics.
- 2024.09: ย ๐ Our paper is published on International Journal of Network Dynamics and Intelligence.
- 2023.06: ย ๐ Our paper is published on Neural Networks.
- 2023.02: ย ๐ Our paper is published on IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering.
- 2022.12: ย ๐ Our paper is published on IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics.
- 2022.08: ย ๐ Our paper is published on IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering.
- 2022.07: ย ๐ Our paper is published on IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems.
- 2022.02: ย ๐ Our paper is published on IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering.
๐ Publications

Probabilistic Model-Based Fault-Tolerant Control for Uncertain Nonlinear Systems, Linhao Zhao, Guanghui Wen, Zhengyuan Guo, Song Zhu, Cheng Hu, Shiping Wen, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 2025, Accept.
- Fixed-time Control for Multiple Switched Coupled Neural Networks, Linhao Zhao, Boqian Li, International Journal of Network Dynamics and Intelligence, 2024.
- Robust $\mathcal{H}_{\infty}$ Pinning Synchronization for Multiweighted Coupled ReactionโDiffusion Neural Networks, Linhao Zhao, Shiping Wen, Song Zhu, Zhengyuan Guo, Tingwen Huang, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 2023.
- Finite-Time Nonchattering Synchronization of Coupled Neural Networks With Multi-Weights, Linhao Zhao, Shiping Wen, Zhengyuan Guo, Kaibo Shi, Jianying Xiao, Song Zhu, IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, 2023.

A Recent Survey on Control for Synchronization and Passivity of Complex Networks, Linhao Zhao, Shiping Wen, Zhengyuan Guo, Kaibo Shi, Jianying Xiao, Song Zhu, IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, 2022.
- PID Control for Output Synchronization of Multiple Output Coupled Complex Networks, Linhao Zhao, Shiping Wen, Min Xu, Kaibo Shi, Song Zhu, Tingwen Huang, IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, 2022.
- Lag $\mathcal{H}_{\infty}$ Synchronization and Lag Synchronization for Multiple Derivative Coupled Complex Networks, Linhao Zhao, Jin-Liang Wang, Neurocomputing, 2020.
- Lag Output Synchronization for Multiple Output Coupled Complex Networks with Positive Semidefinite or Positive Definite Output Matrix, Linhao Zhao, Jin-Liang Wang, Yu Zhang, Journal of the Franklin Institute, 2020.
- Finite-Time Passivity and Synchronization of Multi-Weighted Complex Dynamical Networks Under PD Control, Jin-Liang Wang, Linhao Zhao, Huai-Ning Wu, Tingwen Huang, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 2024.
- Synchronization of coupled neural networks with multiple switching topologies via adaptive control techniques, Yuting Cao, Linhao Zhao, Qishui Zhong, kaibo Shi, Jianying Xiao, Shiping Wen, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 2024.
- Adaptive PI control for $\mathcal{H}_{\infty}$ synchronization of multiple delayed coupled neural networks, Yuting Cao, Linhao Zhao, Qishui Zhong, Song Zhu, Zhengyuan Guo, Shiping Wen, Neurocomputing, 2023.
- Adaptive fixed-time output synchronization for complex dynamical networks with multi-weights, Yuting Cao, Linhao Zhao, Qishui Zhong, Shiping Wen, Kaibo Shi, Jianying Xiao, Tingwen Huang, Neural Networks, 2023.
- Finite-time passivity and synchronisation of complex networks with multiple output couplings, Yepeng Liu Linhao Zhao, Yiwei Shi, Shun-Yan Ren, Jin-Liang Wang, International Journal of Control, 2023.
- Lag $\mathcal{H}_{\infty}$ synchronization of coupled neural networks with multiple state couplings and multiple delayed state couplings, Yuting Cao, Linhao Zhao, Shiping Wen, Tingwen Huang, Neural Networks, 2022.
- PD and PI Control for Passivity and Synchronization of Coupled Neural Networks with Multi-Weights, Jin-Liang Wang, Linhao Zhao, IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, 2021.
- Topology identification of coupled neural networks with multiple weights, Han-Yu Wu, Lu Wang, Linhao Zhao, Jin-Liang Wang, Neurocomputing, 2021.
- PD Control for Finite-Time Passivity and Synchronization of Complex Networks with Multiple Weights, Lu Wang, Linhao Zhao, Jin-Liang Wang, Yougang Bian, Manjiang Hu, 2021 IEEE International Conference on Unmanned Systems (ICUS), 2021.
- Generalized Lag Output Synchronization of the Multiple Output Coupled Complex Dynamical Networks, Linhao Zhao, Shun-Yan Ren, Yi-Wei Shi Ye-Peng Liu, 2019 Chinese Control Conference (CCC), 2019.
๐ Participated Project
- 2021.08 - 2025.08, Safe Learning-Based Adaptive Control for Uncertain Faulty Systems Project (Leader).
- 2024.07 - 2025.07, Fault Detection and Fault-tolerant Control for Intelligent Vehicle Platooning Systems Project (Participant).
- 2023.04 - 2024.03, Learning-based Safety-critical Control Under the Cases of System Uncertainties and Faults Project (Leader).
- 2019.04 - 2022.03, Finite-Time Passivity for Complex Networks with Different Dimensions of the Input and Output Project (Participant).
- 2019.03 - 2020.02, Lag Output Synchronization for Multiple Output Coupled Complex Networks Project (Leader).
๐ป Service and Work Experience
- 2023.02 - 2025.02, Conference Activities and Communications subcommittee in IEEE CIS, Member.
- 2021.07 - 2021.09, Web Developer, Tianjin Baidarui Co., Ltd., Tianjin, China.
๐ Peer Review Activities
- IEEE transactions on neural networks and learning systems.
- IEEE/CAA journal of automatica sinica.
- IEEE transactions on circuits and systems.
- Neural networks.
- International journal of robust and nonlinear control.